Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Update

Prayer is an amazing thing. We did get the call this morning....and though it wasn't exactly what I hoped to hear...it could have been worse. Kenton is a Cystic Fibrosis carrier at this point. They found one mutation during the first test. It requires two for a definitive diagnosis. So now, we proceed with genetic sequencing. (The first test only tested for a little over 100 of the genetic mutations.... there are nearly 2000---so now they keep looking, and we keep waiting). The call we wanted, was no mutations so far!! The call we didn't want would have been that they found 2 mutations. The call we got.... was just in between. Amazingly enough, the call came when my husband happened to be right by my side! He was getting ready to leave for work, but hadn't yet. Seems little.... but it wasn't. I needed him... he needed me!

So back to the prayer being an amazing thing. I'm a sap. Didn't use to be....but something about motherhood has led me to become that gal-- bawling during Hallmark commercials. Let's be honest.... Tide, Folgers, even a good CarMax commercial can do it. I've shed plenty of tears through this whole ordeal, no denying that... but today, after the call, not one has fallen.... they've gotten pretty darn close, but they haven't. That, I have no doubt, is a direct result of prayer. So many people are praying for my family at this point... praying for PEACE for us, regardless the outcome. And it's working... today I strangely feel that VERY peace that passes all understanding...and I am actually understanding the true definition of that phrase....one I'm not sure I'd ever stopped to think about before. It is passing my understanding truly, that I have a calm about me. I'm not keeping myself together...GOD is keeping me together. He will keep me strong when I don't think I have the strength.

God has taken care of SOO many other things on this journey and I look forward to sharing more sometime soon! Crazy things!!

Keep on praying with us!! I'm off to finish my whirlwind of a Tuesday (delighting in the distractions)... but knew many of you were wondering the outcome! 



  1. D .. Knowledge is power and you are doing everything to you can to learn and understand what life has thrown at your family . Always know that we are praying for guidance and serenity for the entire fam. KD is such a vibrant and loving little man and you are responsible for that. Love you guys and will always have a shoulder, ears or a hug if you need them.

  2. Hi Deanna, It's Chad Lauber...yes, the once strikingly handsome young man, full of endless wisdom and wit, whom did nothing more then torment you and your sisters throughout our younger years, at both school and in church. I must confess, I miss those days to some extent...the innocence of youth, not my behavior.

    I will confess, I am not an "expert" on the ways and means of social media, I really just wish to reach out to both you and your family (my mother, Dixie, mentioned your blog, and passed on just enough info for me to get to this point) to let you know that I am praying for you. I have a young son, his name is Jackson, and we had a brief "scare" of Cystic Fibrosis, so to some extent (very limited though it certainly is), I have an idea of what you are dealing with (our fear, your reality).

    All that being said, this blog has really touched my heart. You are truly both a messenger and a "soldier" for Jesus...his grace and comfort are being exemplified, no, glorified, through you...by the way you are not only sharing your faith to the world, but your struggles and personal dealings within you own faith as well.

    I recently heard Billy Graham say that we are not required to understand everything about God, that we certainly do not understand why certain things happen or occur to people in this fallen world, and it is okay to question him...all we are required to do is to simply believe. He also said the word "believe" means to "commit", to commit to Him. I share this with you not for comfort (you already have that because you do believe), but to rather reinforce with you that your story, this powerful testimony that you share regarding this very difficult/faith testing journey that has only begun for your family and little Kenton, that I believe there will be miracles along the way, maybe miracles that do not impact little Kenton or your family immediately, but most assuredly ones that build God's kingdom due to the impact your faith has on the lives of others.

    Myself, my wife, and our children will pray for you and your family tonight, as well as the nights that follow. I will also pray that you are continually replenished with faith and courage as you progress with you family through this very difficult time.

    1. Thank you so much Chad! I have only fond memories of you and your family in our youth years! Anything but that has been forgotten! ;) I really appreciate your kind words and it so good to hear from you!!! Thanks for following our family's journey and even more for the prayers and encouragement!!! Sure do miss you guys!

  3. WOW Chad, what a well written post...you've really grown up;) Thank you for taking the time to write, I found much encouragement in your words, and I know my sister has too!

